
Dernière mise à jour : 16 octobre 2021 7h35

European exchange project

Our school located in Chartres (100 km southwest of Paris), is a professional training centre with 1200 young apprentices, learning Culinary Arts,Hospitality, Hairdressing, Trade, Mechanics etc.

In the project initiated by the “Conseil Régional” (regional council) which encourages European vocational stays, we regularly send groups of young apprentices to enable them to meet young people from foreign countries and study similar courses.

We’re also involved in the Erasmus+ programme which aims to offer apprentices the possibility to develop their knowledge, skills and employability.

The objectives of these projects are:

– Guide young people in developing cross-cultural undestranding through intercultural exchange, in particular understanding of cultures in the context of the host country while learning new professional skills.

– Encourage personal open-mindedness for better integration within European society.

If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact us and take part in the adventure !

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